Thursday, June 26, 2008

From Senator Obama’s Book “Audacity of Hope”

His published thoughts on Abortion:

[An abortion protester at a campaign event] handed me a pamphlet. "Mr. Obama, I know you're a Christian, with a family of your own. So how can you support murdering babies?"
I told him I understood his position but had to disagree with it. I explained my belief that few women made the decision to terminate a pregnancy casually; that any pregnant woman felt the full force of the moral issues involved when making that decision (1) ; that I feared a ban on abortion would force women to seek unsafe abortions, as they had once done in this country (2). I suggested that perhaps we could agree on ways to reduce the number of women who felt the need to have abortions in the first place. (3)
"I will pray for you," the protester said. "I pray that you have a change of heart." Neither my mind nor my heart changed that day, nor did they in the days to come(4). But that night, before I went to bed, I said a prayer of my own-that I might extend the same presumption of good faith to others that had been extended to me. (5)

My response to His comments above:

(1) The “full force of the moral issues involved in the decision to have an abortion” are not brought to bare if we as a society tell our citizens that it is legal to have one. We have an obligation as members of this society (a community) to decide what is appropriate for our society. This includes murder. In the debate that has raged regarding this issue we have allowed the opposition to define the terms. This is not a personal rights issue. This is an issue regarding our willingness as a society to condone murder.
(2) There is no such thing as a safe abortion. Humans are being killed.
(3) Changes in the culture are leading in the exact opposite direction from your expressed desire here and the liberal agenda is leading the charge.
(4) That is a shame.
(5) His “presumption of good faith” is really asking that we have a change of heart and through prayer decide that murder is good, that personal rights trump moral obligations and that lies are TRUTH.

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