Friday, February 27, 2009


Proposition 8 was put before the people of California, and by a wide margin of 600,000 votes became a part of the California Constitution (Article 1, Section 7.5). Next Thursday, March 5, the California Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to determine whether the sovereign will of the people should be upheld, and whether marriage between only a man and a woman will stand.
This is the most important legal issue impacting families in a generation. The outcome of this case is “do or die” for traditional marriage. If the California Supreme Court were to overrule the vote of the people (for the second time) it would not be long before homosexual marriage is the law of the land across this country., the committee responsible for enacting Prop 8, urges you and all our supporters to take action. We are declaring this Sunday, March 1, to be a Day of Prayer for Marriage.
Proposition 8 was supported by over 7 million voters, and we call on those who support traditional marriage to pray for it to be upheld. Please ask the Lord for wisdom for the Justices of the California Supreme Court. Pray, also, for those who oppose this amendment to our Constitution, that they would understand our motivation is to affirm traditional marriage, not to offend any person or group.
Activists who oppose Prop 8 are organizing a candlelight vigil in several cities for March 4, followed by a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court building in San Francisco on March 5. Organizers against Prop 8 are calling for a march of 100,000 people to the Court building (click here to view their events list). It has come to our attention that many Prop 8 supporters are also making plans to appear at the steps of the Supreme Court building on the morning of March 5. We welcome your participation, but request that all messages on homemade signs affirm traditional marriage, avoiding offensive statements regarding alternative lifestyles. If you are in close proximity to San Francisco, plan to arrive by 8 a.m. at the court, located at 350 McAllister. We do not wish to provoke or permit any kind of confrontation with our opponents. Please avoid any such activity carefully. Our only purpose is to remind the media, Californians and Americans everywhere that support for traditional marriage is the majority position in the state. Twice now voters have supported traditional marriage and rejected gay marriage. We won the Prop 8 election. The constitution has been amended. The will of the people should now prevail. is the only group that will appear before the Supreme Court to uphold the vote of the people enacting Prop 8 and affirm traditional marriage as the law of the land. The upcoming Day of Prayer will provide a vehicle for all our supporters to express their own support for traditional marriage and to call on God, the author of marriage, to bless the arguments our attorneys will present to the Court and to grant the justices wisdom as they consider the arguments.
Thank you for your support of Proposition 8. Please participate in the Day of Prayer this coming Sunday and, if you are in proximity to San Francisco, come to the steps of the Supreme Court building at 8 a.m. on March 5 to show your support for Prop 8.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Some words about Guantanamo Bay

GTMO U.S. Naval Base (a.k.a. "Gitmo") is the oldest U.S. base overseas and the only one in a Communist country. Located on the southeast corner of Cuba, in the Oriente Province, the base is about 400 air miles from Miami, Florida. The terrain and climate of Guantanamo Bay make it a haven for iguanas and banana rats.
In December 1903, the United States leased the 45 square miles of land and water for use as a coaling station. A treaty reaffirmed the lease in 1934 granting Cuba and her trading partners free access through the bay, payment of $2,000 in gold per year, equating to $4,085 today (cheap!), and a requirement that both the U.S. and Cuba must mutually consent to terminate the lease.
A self sustaining Naval Base:
In early 2005, four white wind turbines began operating John Paul Jones Hill, the base’s highest point, named after the Revolutionary War naval hero. The turbines, standing at 80 meters (262 feet) high, feature three-blade turbines. The four turbines were estimated to provide as much as a quarter of the base’s power generation during the high-wind months of late summer and fall; an appreciable fact given that Guantanamo Bay is completely self-sustaining, generating its own power and water without having to rely on Cuban municipal sources. The naval hospital that provides healthcare to both detainees and the base naval force, offers one doctor for every two inmates.
A topic of much conversation and a target of proposed CHANGE by the new Obama Administration, it currently houses only 245 detainees. Of these, 170 detainees are expatriates, unwanted by their countries of origin. To close the base, new confinement would have to be provided or provisions made for them. Of those, 110 are extremely violent offenders, possessing unattractive qualities when interviewing with landlords in pursuit of a new home.

Last week, the Pentagon delivered a new report to the White House, assessing the present conditions at Guantánamo Bay. Surprise, surprise—the report supports the Department of Defense’s long-held contention that Gitmo does indeed meet the Geneva Convention standard for humane treatment.

Two thoughts on Gitmo:
1. Since Gitmo is apparently an okay place to live, why put Americans in danger by shutting it down?
2. Gitmo is a horrible place to live, but isn’t that a small price to pay for safety?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Carpetbaggers are here!!!

If America is truly in the worst financial crisis in 70 years, why are President Obama and Congress unleashing new attacks almost daily on our faith and families? Perhaps President Obama, who likens himself to President Lincoln, more closely resembles the Carpetbaggers of the post Civil War era.

The White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, is on record as saying, "Never let a serious crisis to go to waste, and what I mean by that is it's an opportunity to do things that you didn't think you could do before."

The so-called "stimulus" bill proved this point. Ultraliberal politicians are using people's fears as a cover for a massive political makeover of our Nation! Their strategy is to profit off the misery of others in order to move forward a very liberal agenda. Such a strategy is just as deplorable for elected officials as the actions of the carpetbaggers who worked their way through the south following the Civil war, taking advantage of the war torn south or more recently the profiteers who gouged people at the gas pumps following the hurricane Katrina disaster

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Washington Mall after Obama's followers listened to him speak about the New Era of Personal Responsibility

Big Lie No. 1: The Emergency
They told us that the country is in such a dire situation that it was an emergency. The bill was not an emergency measure. This was a ruse. They falsely claimed it was an emergency bill to cut off all debate.
The lie about the urgency was made clear when President Obama, rather than immediately signing the bill, went on vacation to celebrate Valentine’s Day with his wife in Chicago. Amazingly he had been in Washington less than a month before he took his first vacation! In fact, Obama took almost four days to sign this “urgent” bill.

Big Lie No. 2: Immediate Stimulus
And then there is Big Lie No. 2: The bill offered immediate help to our ailing economy. The truth: The bill does not offer significant, immediate stimulus. Most of the stimulus money won’t even be spent this year, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office! And the CBO has warned that the bill actually will hurt long-term economic growth. Infrastructure programs, including items such as $8 billion for a high-speed train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas, will take a decade or longer to complete – if environmentalists ever let the project begin.

Big Lie No. 3: Bipartisan Support
Then there is Big Lie No. 3: This bill was a bipartisan effort to save the economy. It was anything but. Every Republican in the House voted against the bill, along with six courageous Democratic congressmen. In the Senate, almost every Republican opposed the bill except three liberals: Sens. Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins and Arlen Specter. Obama promised he would change the “old politics” of Washington. Instead, he is playing hardball partisan Democratic politics of the Chicago type. And now, he is even talking about a second stimulus program!

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Entitlement Beast

The new “so called” economic stimulus package, brightly dressed up as the New Age-New Deal is ripe with anti-Christian bias and pregnant with so much pork that the Jewish communities in Washington D.C. are building levees. But they are not the only people of faith that need to worry. The current document, being trumped up as our only hope, will not allow the assembly of any faith based groups in buildings funded by this spending fiasco. Our freedoms are being stripped from us one at a time and our grandchildren will be responsible for footing the bill for it.

Almost nightly now the media presents scenes of President Obama in messianic campaign mode. It is unbecoming. When he's not snarling at conservative opponents of his endless spending programs, he's pandering to supporters as the nation's community organizer-in-chief. At a stimulus rally in Ft. Myers, Fla., on Tuesday, A young McDonald's worker named Julio Osegueda bolted out of his seat and exclaimed:

"It is such a blessing to see you. Oh! Gracious God, thank you so much! Ungh!"

We're moving precipitously close to what I would call a savior-based economy.
Like Mighty Mouse, President Obama is here to save the day. The government is here to help -- and it is your patriotic duty to pay for it all without preconditions. What is being lost however is some of the basic principles that our nation was founded on. President Obama and his handlers have gone to great pains to paint himself in the likeness of President Lincoln, even using the same bible as Lincoln to be sworn in as President.

But the liberties our country enjoyed under Lincolns command were natural liberties and inalienable rights protected by a governmental structure with checks and balances and was structured to limit its authority to protecting those rights and liberties. Lincoln’s belief in limiting government would be derided by President Obama as "ideological rigidity" Such limitation on goverment would starve the “entitlement beast”. It maybe sacrilegious to say it in the Age of Obama, but it needs to be said:

Home ownership is not an entitlement. Credit is not a civil right. Can I get an "Amen!”?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Speaker Pelosi made a public pledge of no pork, then promptly broke it.

I am sick and tired of being lied to by members of Congress! I it is well past time to do something about it! It is time to call Congress on the carpet!
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged on national television that under the Obama administration there would be no pork barrel spending. Watch Speaker Pelosi make that pledge.
On January 11, Speaker Pelosi publicly pledged "no pork" when being interviewed by Wolf Blitzer. She promptly broke that pledge when it was convenient to do so.
The trillion dollar stimulus bill pushed by Speaker Pelosi and passed overwhelmingly by the House has more pork spending than any bill in history! In fact, the bill (H.R.1) contains so much pork spending that Speaker Pelosi included $227 million simply for oversight of the pork barrel projects included in her stimulus bill. (Page 11 of the stimulus bill.)
See some of the pork included in this bill.