Monday, August 25, 2008

One Nation......Under God?

This nation was founded by a people greatly concerned with the protection of individual freedom. Much careful time and effort was placed upon the creation of a system of governing which insured the protection of the individual from the tyranny of the state. The checks and balances between the three branches of government were created to establish and maintain this balance and harmony.

It is this very focus upon the rights of the individual, I fear, that will also be responsible for dismantling the rich Christian Heritage that was also an important aspect of this nations founding. How can that be you might ask? On the surface these two facets of our society seem extremely complimentary. But, over the last view decades, selfishness has captured center stage in this country and a focus on the rights of the individual has been championed, I feel, to the detriment of society as a whole.

In short, what I am saying is that an important problem with democratic rule is that sometimes the majority opinion is DEAD WRONG. As a society, we want to be protected from both a dictatorship and a mob rule. What do we do however when a small facet of society successfully lobbies through a variety of influential ways to “over-throw” decades of honorable and correct policy, in favor of excepting sinful behavior as the norm? I am a firm believer that absolute truth exists and that it finds its ultimate expression and definition in God, the God of the Hebrews, the God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When the democratic process no longer recognizes or honors the truth and a society chooses to turn its back on its maker and go their own way, they are headed for disaster.

The Bible speaks at length about protecting the fatherless and the widow, so a focus of the protection of individual rights has all the appearance of biblical chivalry on the surface. But when a behavior that is sinful at its core is dressed up in the flag and protected as an inalienable right, then we as a nation have to take responsibility for its allowance. We must remember it was the people of Germany that allowed Adolph Hitler and his Nazi Regime to come to power. They, as well as the world at large, suffered for their mistake.

Abortion is allowed in this country today, because it has been successfully argued in our court systems by the misguided that personal rights shall trump the protection of innocent life. Murder is now legal if your victim is young enough to be undefined by the courts! Likewise now the Gay, Lesbian, Transsexual, Bisexual communities desire to twist the truth and redefine marriage and have their lifestyles sanctioned as a mainstream norm.

The homosexual community has been successfully in establishing in many minds in America that their personal rights are under attack and that their behavior choice should be protected as a civil right. Could it simply be that the difficulties they are experiencing are merely the consequences of their own sinful actions? Over the last several decades Tim Gill and wealthy, politically active homosexuals like him have, very stealthily, made inroads into a variety of political powerhouses. They have actively pursed pushing their agenda into numerous unions and lobby groups and are finding some success wooing a place on the political platforms of both major parties.

As Christians, we are called to Love the sinner and hate the sin. When addressing this issue, I feel as if my way of life is being attacked and devalued. I admit that I struggle to love those that are responsible for this. I do pray regarding this issue, but I confess it is not always for my attackers to enter the kingdom of heaven. In truth, however, our God loves and forgives his children and there will be homosexuals in heaven. As I engage in discussing my thoughts on this subject I need to remember that and act as a true child of God.

Over 1.1 million Californians signed petitions to qualify Proposition 8 for the state ballot, considerably more than the 694,354 signatures needed. This overwhelming success in obtaining a position on the ballot underscores that a large group of voters hold family values and want marriage defined in the traditional way. As one of them, I know I intend to do all I am able, to see that only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.

I will not be surprised however if we lose this battle in November. The damage may already be done. This once great nation may have already begun its slow decay.

Could it just be part of the overall plan? Communism has crumbled and deemed a complete failure, could democracy be next? Could the freedom inherent in our government become its Achilles heel and lead to its very downfall? I pray that I am wrong, but my true allegiance is to my Lord and King not my country or nation. Our God is a jealous God; his ultimate desire is for us to find Him sufficient to meet all of our needs.

Remember when the law was given to the people of Israel through Moses, there were provisions for a king, though the nation had no human king. God made this provision because he knew their hearts would desire to be like other nations and they would want a king. After leading Israel into the land of Promise and fighting their battles for them, God was grieved when they sought to be ruled by a human king “like other nations”. Though they had the benefit of God residing in their very presence, their desire to be like other nations, lead to idolatry and ultimately to the destruction of the temple and the captivity of the nation

The Book of Revelation tells of a new Kingdom to be established, along with a new heaven and a new earth. In fact all things will be made new. These issues regarding the protection of individual rights will not even be spoken of there. Only one thing will be of importance there and it will cause us to say:

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty!”

Persecution of Gods faithful is coming, either in this battle or the next. I stand ready to engage the enemy in the full armor of God. I remain His I remain ALL IN.

1 comment:

Douglas L. Thompson said...

The mormon church has little to fear when it comes to being voted out of existence. Let's remember, to be united in this battle we need to focus on what unites us and not on our differences. Re-establishing the definition of marriage in California is our goal.