Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome to Club Obama

For twenty years, Barack Obama sat in the pews of a Chicago church led by Reverend Jeremiah Wright who said, "the Government gives them the drugs, then builds bigger prisons then sings God Bless America."No, No, No, not "God Bless America", "God damn America."

Obama has often said that Ayers was "just a guy in your neighborhood", but The Wall Street Journal tells us that Obama and William Ayers worked as a team on a $100 million radical education project. And they must be right, because when Obama decided to run for the Senate, he announced his candidacy at home of William Ayers!

Obama also collaborated with Bernadette Dorhn, a woman who was responsible for the death of two police officers and two armored truck guards. How can we trust Senator Obama to be President of the United States? His judgment should be called into question by EVERY American. Just this year Obama said, Americans, "when they get bitter, cling to guns or religion..."

Is that how you want to be perceived by YOUR President?

For more on the subject, you might want to try this link which provides some very serious insight into Senator Barack Hussein Obama’s character:

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