Friday, February 13, 2009

The Entitlement Beast

The new “so called” economic stimulus package, brightly dressed up as the New Age-New Deal is ripe with anti-Christian bias and pregnant with so much pork that the Jewish communities in Washington D.C. are building levees. But they are not the only people of faith that need to worry. The current document, being trumped up as our only hope, will not allow the assembly of any faith based groups in buildings funded by this spending fiasco. Our freedoms are being stripped from us one at a time and our grandchildren will be responsible for footing the bill for it.

Almost nightly now the media presents scenes of President Obama in messianic campaign mode. It is unbecoming. When he's not snarling at conservative opponents of his endless spending programs, he's pandering to supporters as the nation's community organizer-in-chief. At a stimulus rally in Ft. Myers, Fla., on Tuesday, A young McDonald's worker named Julio Osegueda bolted out of his seat and exclaimed:

"It is such a blessing to see you. Oh! Gracious God, thank you so much! Ungh!"

We're moving precipitously close to what I would call a savior-based economy.
Like Mighty Mouse, President Obama is here to save the day. The government is here to help -- and it is your patriotic duty to pay for it all without preconditions. What is being lost however is some of the basic principles that our nation was founded on. President Obama and his handlers have gone to great pains to paint himself in the likeness of President Lincoln, even using the same bible as Lincoln to be sworn in as President.

But the liberties our country enjoyed under Lincolns command were natural liberties and inalienable rights protected by a governmental structure with checks and balances and was structured to limit its authority to protecting those rights and liberties. Lincoln’s belief in limiting government would be derided by President Obama as "ideological rigidity" Such limitation on goverment would starve the “entitlement beast”. It maybe sacrilegious to say it in the Age of Obama, but it needs to be said:

Home ownership is not an entitlement. Credit is not a civil right. Can I get an "Amen!”?

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