Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sexual Confusion 2B taught in Alameda / Parents Ignored

When SB-777 passed they said it would not affect curriculum of our children in Schools, well it certainly has in the Alameda Unified School District…

Yesterday evening the Alameda Unified School District voted 3-2 to approve the highly controversial curriculum that promotes multisexual lifestyles. Despite several prior meetings during which hundreds of parents expressed their outrage at such an imposition of controversial sexual content in the classroom, board members decided elementary school children should learn vocabulary words such as "lesbian" and "transgender."

During the final meeting considering adoption of the curriculum, each side of the issue was given 15 minutes to outline their support or opposition. Three parents of Alameda students rose to express their opposition, articulately conveying the community-wide resistance to introducing a social agenda into their classrooms. (video of one such parent is below) Each parent detailed instances where their children were bullied or harassed for their race or religion without any help from the school board to stop the harassment.

The Alameda controversy has now become a national issue, symbolizing the fight between elitist school boards and parents asserting their rights. The media were a heavy presence at the meeting, including Fox News Channel's Griff Jenkins, who covered the story for the national network.

In response to the revelation that the "anti-bullying" curriculum never actually addresses bullying, the school board announced the curriculum had been amended to include teaching on bullying by adding the word to the vocabulary list. They promised additional changes but, no parent was allowed to see the changes prior to the board's vote that evening.

During the meeting, one school board member who voted against the curriculum inquired when the term "heterosexual" was introduced in school vocabulary and was told fifth grade, when parental notification and opt-out provision are mandatory. However, the term "homosexual" is introduced in fourth grade, and there will be no parental notification or opt-out provision. When asked about heterosexual family portrayals in school curriculum, the board was told students study the Donner Family. Those who were actually educated in their schools will remember the Donner Family is notorious for engaging in cannibalism when stranded on their pioneer journey to California in the 1800's.

While parents have been highly suspect of the curriculum's true agenda all along, it was revealed during the meeting that a lesbian teacher was pushing the curriculum because of the negative response she received from a "homophobic" parent who objected to the teacher "coming out" to her fifth grade class several years ago. She discovered that inserting the LGBT curriculum into the "Caring Schools" would be the best place for the controversial curriculum.

At one point during the meeting, the school board president admitted receiving more emails and letters in opposition of the curriculum than in support. At the numerous board meetings those in attendance regarding the curriculum were overwhelmingly in opposition. That is noteworthy considering many Alameda parents are still learning about the curriculum.

"It's impossible to understand how these three school board members can sit there and listen to this compelling testimony from concerned parents and still put their radical agenda ahead of the good of their school district," stated Karen England, who attended the meeting. "They can see first-hand this is dividing their community and yet they bow to the special interests groups who are pushing an indoctrination program at the expense of true education."

In fact, proponents of the curriculum are so dedicated to indoctrinating their young pupils that they refuse to include an opt-out provision for parents.

Disturbingly, when asked what protections would be afforded students with religious objections to the curriculum, school board member Mooney stated that they can object, but only at home. He arrogantly asserted that he "sees nothing wrong with homosexuality," thus implying that those who disagree should keep their bigotry out of his school district.

"Mr. Mooney's comment proves beyond a doubt that this is an agenda," commented England. "Parental rights aren't even a concern for these arrogant board members who act as though they are unelected, and unaccountable to Alameda residents. The message they unequivocally send to parents is that they believe parents are bigots and their bigoted children need to be reconditioned at school."

It's significant that during their testimony in support of the curriculum, some proponents of the LGBT curriculum referred to opposition as "bigoted" and "homophobic," thus engaging in the very name calling they claim to want to end in our schools. One speaker opposed a parental opt-out because "You shouldn't be allowed to opt-out because of bigotry."

"The hypocrisy is astounding," commented England. "Parents are being bullied into silence on this issue. In fact, opposition petitions delivered to the school board were asked to be returned at the end of the meeting for fear the names on the list would be published and the signers harassed. Even during the meeting, parents were made to feel that they were the outsiders, who have no say in the direction of their children's education. We are committed to assisting these parents in taking back control of their schools."

Parents are now planning to recall the board members who have chosen to side with radical social engineers over their constituents.

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