Thursday, November 5, 2009

If you build it …THEY will come!

This Tuesday’s wins in Virginia and New Jersey may constitute a referendum against Obama’s mad dash into socialism, at least that is what I hear on from most conservatives. But this off-year election sure was also a messy one for the Republican Party. The once “Grand Old Party” appears to be at a loss for its direction.

When Doug Hoffman challenged the local Republican Party choice for New York’s 23rd district seat, with the full backing of the Sarah Palin PAC, the Republican Party was thrown into complete disarray. Supposed Leaders like both Michael Steele and Newt Gingrich ended up with egg on their faces for endorsing possibly the most liberal candidate in the race.

Untold campaign finances went down the drain promoting Scozzafava, a true wolf in sheep’s clothing. This she herself proved out when she withdrew from the election (for the good of the party) and then backed the democrat in the race. Had Hoffman been the Republican nominee, he would have had the resources and organizational infrastructure of the party. Owens, the democrat now seated, had the unions and ACORN backing him up. The Republican machine came in too late, and Doug Hoffman was done.

Lately it seems that when I approach my mailbox at home or open my e-mail on my computer I can expect two, if not three or more, “Republican Party Surveys” Each comes from one congressman or another or from the party itself. Each asks the recipient to rank the importance of certain “conservative” issues or check conservative issues that they remain committed to. I get so frustrated as I realize the leadership feels that it needs to ask for direction.

Oh, don’t get me wrong I still fill in the bubbles and send in the surveys. If, for no other reason, to remind them what WE do stand for!

One cannot help but wonder if the Republican Leadership is really just interested in the overall size of the party, rather than the supporting foundational structure the party should be built upon.

The one bright spot in the New York race is that it did show that Republican voters have a set standard as to what they think a "Republican" candidate should represent and Scozzafava was not that candidate. The question remains however, does the Party know what a republican candidate looks like?

In the Movie “Field of Dreams” Iowa farmer Ray Kinsella hears a voice in his cornfield tell him, "If you build it, he will come." He interprets this message as an instruction to build a baseball field on his farm, upon which appear the ghosts of Shoeless Joe Jackson and the other seven Chicago White Sox players banned from the game for throwing the 1919 World Series. They want another chance to play!

Just like Ray Kinsella and his corn field, the Republican Party needs to be built on the basics, recreated in the image of the party of Ronald Reagan, based upon sound economics, strong national security and life affirming Christian values. So, let’s build it!

Because…. If you build it …THEY will come!

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