Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Obama & Biden... A Bridge to Nowhere?

Years ago a friend and I joked about creating our own company called "Change Incorporated". Our business plan (Ha-Ha) was to meet the demand for change in this world by… you guessed it, providing changes for people. We joked that we would demand artistic license to change whatever we were hired to change, as WE saw fit. It was a short-lived chuckle over a beer or two. Little did we know that the 2008 Democratic Presidential ticket would steal our idea!

The Barack Obama’s “Blueprint for Change” is a 59-page document detailing Obama’s game plan to build our government into a Goliath sized welfare wagon and will replace economic incentive with legislated handcuffs. When states try these sorts of maneuvers, businesses leave them for warmer climates. Such practices on a federal level could only further stifle the U.S. economy and pound a wooden stake in the heart of the country. The only jobs that government can create are government jobs and our government is large enough now. We desperately need to provide American Businesses with all the incentives we can so that we can stimulate businesses to create more jobs and restore the economy.

The ideas Senator Obama puts forth in this liberal manifesto sound encouraging, generous, magnanimous and enabling, kind of like the mythical “free lunch”, but these ideas are dangerous and ill conceived. This so called “Blueprint” has NOT had the benefit of the plan check process. Almost every “supposed solution” that Obama promotes has a huge price tag associated with its realistic establishment. The document outlines the creation of countless new government agencies and subsidies. Translation: Bigger government and more taxes. Also included is the extensive use of the Internet to operate the business of the United States government. No doubt he’ll be getting most of his assistance from Al Gore with this part of the plan, unless Al is too busy saving the planet.

In all fairness, new ideas are needed to improve the mess that we are in. Real reform is required in numerous departments in Washington, but larger government and more taxes would move us in the wrong direction. When families struggle with managing their finances, they too often think that more money is the solution to the problem. But the problem is management, not money. Statistics prove that more money just makes for a larger problem. The same is true with government. Additionally, Obama’s blueprint for change has Grand titles and notions but little substance. Even Hillary Clinton during the primaries pointed out that there are very few specifics outlined in the document.

So, how do we obtain REAL REFORM?

We elect people who are real reformers. People with a proven track record, with the ability to take on the old school, wasteful crowd of politicians, no matter the party and put the needs of the people first. Senator McCain & Governor Palin are such people and have reformers records to prove it. Obama is a two-year-old U.S. Senator with the most liberal spending record in the senate. His running mate is a dyed in the wool liberal, a plagiarizing 30 year old senator with the 2nd highest spending record in the senate. Neither has spent any time reaching across the aisle to create a unified bipartisan coalition of reform. Their plans for America are poorly planned and un-supported, much like a “Bridge to Nowhere”.
Governor Palin already has experience in dismantling such useless structures. She and John McCain have a Blueprint of their own. It includes a widely swinging wrecking ball of reform for Washington. McCain has promised to veto the very first pork barrel spending bill to hit his desk when he is president and to let the nation know just who authored it.

We don’t need “bridges to nowhere” or “blueprints that can’t pass plan check”

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