Thursday, April 2, 2009

Budget, Budget, Who's got the Budget?

Obama: It is easy to be critical, but where is the GOP Alternative Budget?

Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) presents the GOP Altenative Budget:

Today, the House of Representatives will consider two budget plans that represent dramatically different visions for our nation's future. They will first consider President Barack Obama's plan. In a nutshell, the president and Democratic leaders in Congress are attempting to bring about the third and final great wave of progressivism, building on top of the New Deal and the Great Society. If this budget passes, it will become known as the moment America turned European.

House Republicans offer an alternative plan. As the opposition party, they believe this moment must be met by offering the American people a different way forward -- one based on the belief that America is an exceptional nation, and a desire to keep it that way.
The plan works to accomplish four main goals: 1) fulfill the mission of health and retirement security; 2) control our nation's debts; 3) put the economy on a path of growth and leadership in the global economy; and 4) preserve the American legacy of leaving the next generation better off.

It feels good to have common sense, rather than hard earned tax dollars, flowing out of Washington D.C. for a change. But, I invite you to do your own research. A summary of the Republican House Proposal and Comparisons to the Obama budget can be found at the following links:

Summary on the Republican Budget Alternative:

Republican and Obama Buget Comparison
"The Path to American Prosperity" - The Republican Alternate Budget

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