Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day 2009

Happy Earth Day 2009! Does it seem to you as if not so many folks are celebrating Earth Day this year? I does to me. Oh sure, I was not left disappointed, I got my annual Earth Day letter from the United States Green Building Council assuring me that they are still alive and well and that our current economic crisis has not crushed the “green movement”. But I have the real sense that there are bigger issues that are demanding our attention right now and I am not alone.

The current economic crisis is keeping us occupied right now and preventing us from “pulling back the curtain to reveal the real Oz” behind this Green Ponzi Scheme, but the mask will come off, The wizard will be revealed, it is only a matter of time.

The UN’s climate panel claims there is scientific “consensus” that man-made CO2 emissions are causing “dangerous” climate change. However, its 2007 Climate Assessment is fraught with serious scientific shortcomings in its discussion of the Sun’s influence on Earth’s climate. There is no match between the steady rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration and the often dramatic ups and downs of surface temperatures in and around the Arctic.

The hallmark of good science is the testing of a plausible hypothesis that is then either supported or rejected by the evidence. The evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that the Sun causes climatic change in the Arctic. This invalidates the hypothesis that CO2 is a major cause of observed climate change – and raises serious questions about the wisdom of imposing cap-and-trade or other policies that would cripple energy production and economic activity, in the name of “preventing catastrophic climate change.”

Scientists, real scientists, have known for nearly 80 years that small changes in solar activity can cause large climatic changes. Where sunlight falls, for how long, and with what effect, determine how climate will respond. The most recent scientific evidence shows that even small changes in solar radiation have a strong effect on Earth’s temperature and climate. This truth has lead at least one scientist to claim, “Compared to the Suns power, we are a flyspeck on an elephants butt”.

Bill Clinton used to sum up politics by saying, “It’s the economy, stupid!” Now we can fairly sum up climate change by saying, “It’s the Sun Stupid!”

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