Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Pitch-Man Presidency

The Obama people are in a perpetual campaign mode. They talked about change and looking forward optimistically to the next administration, but they keep looking back as if they’re still fighting a campaign. They have to govern now. It’s their turn, they are the administration now.
Obama is a pitch-man, not a president. He can deliver a message, but he can’t implement the message that he’s sending. Americans want a president they can admire and trust. Obama’s tactics suggest he may not have faith in himself . If Obama were really convinced that his own plans had merit, why would he feel the need to divert attention to a scapegoat by pointing the finger of blame at a previous administration? He is quite right to question himself. Things seem to be falling apart all around him. And if this “Pitch-Man’s” sinking poll numbers are any indication, the American people are beginning to agree with that assessment.

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