Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Wrong Way to be Right!

During last night's nationally televised press conference, President Barack Obama defended his policy to allow taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research.
While admitting he had to "wrestle" with the moral and ethical concerns, he plainly stated:
"…[F]or embryos that are typically about to be discarded,
for us to be able to use those in order to find cures…
that is the right thing to do."
Mr. President, how can it ever be the "right thing to do" to "discard" human life? How can you even justify stating that you "wrestle" with the moral issues of life when you so easily justify "discarding" life? This sort of "wrestling" makes the WWF look like the Normandy Invasion. Your callous disregard for human life is exceeded only by your relentless determination to drag us deeper and deeper into debt and socialism, the likes of which this world has never seen before.

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