Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stim-you-less = Poor-you-more

Hello? Is there anybody out there? Just knod if you can hear me!
Is there anyone out there who thinks the Presidents plans (to spend us out of this hole we are in) will actually work?

Remember the first rule of holes: When you find yourself in one,…. Quit digging!

A nearly $2 TRILLION deficit this year. Another deficit over $1 TRILLION next year. A national debt of over $23.1 TRILLION during the next ten years. And $1 TRILLION in new tax increases over the next ten years?????.

These pork-laden budget plans the Obama Administration laid out this week for 2009 and 2010 are reckless, irresponsible and irrational. The Obama/Pelosi/Reid Democrats are using this current economic crisis to accelerate their liberal agenda to grow the size and scope of government at all levels, increase spending to record levels and foster the redistribution of wealth at an alarming rate.

I'll be the first to admit that Republicans had a hand in creating this mess, but further uncontrolled spending, record deficits and a huge tax increase during a recession are not the prescription for creating jobs and making our economy strong again.

There is a better way and it starts with the old Ronald Reagan slogan of "Get the government off our backs." It's a return to the basic principles of Conservative America: limited government, freedom, opportunity and providing the tools for free enterprise to create, innovate and prosper.

Conservatives believe that empowering the people -- not the government -- will help get us out of this crisis. Obama's massive tax increase on individuals and small businesses, the engine that provides 75% of economic growth, is like turning the furnace off in a blizzard. It won't revive our economy and together with the massive spending increases - is dangerous and irresponsible

Conservatives believe the way to strengthen our country is to restrain spending in Washington, and empower individuals and small businesses to grow our economy and create jobs -- not the budget busting, record spending and deficits the Liberals prescribe

I cannot believe that the Democrats across this great nation (party leadership and voters alike) really desire to march off this cliff in lock-step unision with President Obama. Like a catcher in the rye, we are in desparate need of a Conservative voice in Congress to stand and rally a cohesive movement to oppose these insane policies. John McCain, still smarting from his campaign defeat, seems to maybe showing some signs of stepping up to this post, but maybe he’s too broken now. Governors Bobby Jindal and Mark Sanford are making news in their opposition, but if not them then who?

Will the conservative party, wait until the liberals destroy this country and then ride into town with their white cowboy hats to rebuild it? This destuction should be avoided, this could be the defining moment of the career of a true Conservative Leader. Where are they????

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