Monday, March 30, 2009

Volunteerism in the New Reich

Congress is exploring options for forcing "all able young people" into mandatory service. It is calling this "volunteerism," but Congress makes its interest in a mandatory civil security service very clear. Its reasons: to provide security in the war on terror, to create social change by bringing together youth of "diverse" backgrounds, and to limit government costs.

The problem: civilians have the right to decide how they spend their own time, including how they prepare for disasters.
· HR 1444 creates a congressional commission on whether a mandatory service requirement can be developed for American young people.
· HR 1388 establishes a new civilian National Service Reserve Corps, among many other provisions.
It is dangerous when any government feels it has power to order private citizens to 'volunteer' in any government program. It seems that President Barack Obama is taking early steps toward a campaign promise:

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded," he said last July

The Commission on Civic Service Act
The Congressional Commission on Civic Service Act, HR 1444,creates a commission to analyze "whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed." HR 1444 would encourage civilian volunteer work, for the purpose of enhancing "our Nation and the global community," and train youth to be tomorrow's leaders in the public sector. By gathering together people with different backgrounds, it also aims to strengthen America's "social fabric."
"Citizenship is not an entitlement program," Rahm Emanuel (not to be confused with General Erwin Rommel) said in an August 2008 interview, where he discussed a universal training requirement. "The goal here is understanding the challenges of the war on terror," he said, at one point calling the program "universal civil defense training." "We were saying somewhere between the ages of 18 to 25, you will do three months of training," he said. Americans are asking how far HR 1444 opens the door for that goal.

The Congressional Commission on Civic Service would also explore whether a public service academy is needed. This four year undergraduate institution would be aimed at youth, in addition to recruiting on regular college campuses. Nor are other generations left out: the commission would be responsible to pursue volunteerism among baby boomers and senior citizens.
But according to modest estimates, Americans volunteered over 8 billion hours of service in 2007 and that figure represents nearly 61 million Americans, who freely gave services. It is forAmerican parents to train children about volunteerism and we are already teaching the leaders of tomorrow -- for work in public and private spheres, not just the government sector, where HR 1444 is focused.
America's military proudly serves to keep this nation safe. Congress has no business spending time and tax money on "mandatory volunteering," even if this is currently at the idea stage, and not ready for implementation. The commission itself is an affront to Americans' personal liberty.

The "guiding light" behind the Hitler Youth in the NAZI Government which seized power in 1933 was Baldur Von Schirach, who was eventually tried at Nuremberg and hanged. When evaluating this move by the Obama Administration we would do well to remember the following:

The basic principles concerning the Hitler Youth, which under Schirach's tutelage became an instrument of the Nazi State, declared:
1. The future of the nation depends on its youth, and the youth shall have to be prepared for its future duties.
2. All youth in the country is to be organized within this structure
3. The youth, besides being reared within the family and school, shall be educated physically, intellectually, and morally in the spirit of serving the people and the community.
4. The task of educating the youth is being entrusted to the government.

I understand The Goose-step is even easier to learn than The Macarena and wouldn't ACORN look sharp in those SS Uniforms?

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